Federal Contracting Center (FCC) is an independent entity, seperate from any US government agency. Specializing in third-party services, FCC handles small-business registrations, certifications, and the submission and management of SAM registrations. Additionally, FCC offers expert guidance to companies and non-profit organizations, navigating the complex process of federal government contracting processes. | Sitemap
SAM Services: Registration and Renewal
Our clients most frequently request our SAM services for small businesses, registration, and renewal. The U.S. Government’s System for Award Management (SAM) is the essential vendor registry that all businesses need for federal contracting, and our services go beyond merely “getting you into the system.” We support your long-term sales and growth strategies.
SAM is the foundation
to be an active U.S. government contractor, win projects, and get paid, you must have an active registration; therefore, SAM is foundational to your business.
SAM is the gateway
to more marketing and business growth opportunities than you realize when our federal contracting professionals optimize your business’s registration.
Government purchasing officers from dozens of departments and agencies routinely search for products and services like the ones you sell. The opportunities are enormous, with annual government purchasing and spending levels reaching billions of dollars.
First-Time SAM Registrations for Federal Contracting
Working with a professional SAM registration service like the one we offer gives you and your business many advantages. Our federal contracting specialists understand the ins and outs of the system to save you time, and they also know how to submit all the required data and take advantage of the options.
Some governmental websites and brochures tout how to register for SAM “DIY,” but most businesspeople who try it aren’t satisfied with the results. It takes time away from running your business when you do it for the first time, and you’ll likely face frustrations and delays throughout the process.
You need to come up in the right searches, make a persuasive case about your products and services, and position your business as the right choice for government purchasers. SAM may sound like a simple vendor registry, but it can help with much more when used optimally and strategically.
Our sam.gov experts are ready to take your call (855) 700-5143
Our SAM Services are Industry Leaders
At Federal Contracting Center, we’re a one-of-a-kind SAM registration and renewal company with a team of seasoned federal contracting pros ready to work on your company’s behalf. Our thorough approach means we’ll get to know your business and ensure its strengths and capabilities stand out.
We’ve worked with companies in every sector and do business with every part of the U.S. Government. You can ask us anything about SAM, and we’ll have the answer. Our services are industry leaders, and our clients do millions of dollars in business with the U.S. Government annually.
If you already have a registration filed and work with us on renewal, you’ll be impressed by the time we save you and the improvements we make. Everything with us is personalized to you and your business. When others may follow a cookie-cutter approach, we do everything custom for you.
Add-On Services Maximize the Opportunity
Once you’re actively registered with SAM, you can work with us to maximize your federal contracting opportunity. We’ve developed and refined a suite of products and services that meet all the needs of small businesses doing business with federal government contracts.
Our goal is to help companies at all stages of the government contracting process. Regardless of your company’s current state, we’ll help you improve and better understand the opportunities that exist. The key to success is being found by the right government purchasing agents in the needed searches.
The Single Session Rule for SAM Renewals
Did you know you must complete your SAM registration renewal in a single computer session? Many business owners and managers are surprised to learn this and are concerned about the complications it may cause.
When you work with our contracting specialists, you’re in the hands of experienced professionals who know how to meet the requirements and get you renewed successfully – and we’ll also troubleshoot complications to resolve them in advance.
When you access our SAM services, you get efficiency and peace of mind. Our economical pricing also keeps our services within reach of small and medium-sized businesses.
How to Contact Us: support@federalcontractingcenter.com Tel: (855) 700-5143
Ready to Register or Renew with SAM?
Call or contact the Federal Contracting Center online for industry-leading support if you need to register or renew. We understand businesses like yours and can help you optimize your registration and begin building your U.S. Government contracting business.
Prompt, accurate SAM registration service
Timely SAM renewals with expert advice
We bring useful tools and knowledge to every company. Whether you’re just starting out as a federal contractor or have years of experience, we’ll add value and give you an excellent ROI (return on investment) for the investment you’ll make in our services.
You’ll also appreciate our client-centered approach and learn things in the process of working with us that will help your business for years to come.